After several years of operation of the current website, we decided to substantially upgrade our web presentation. Creating a new website was necessary mainly due to the modernization of the source code by using new technologies such as XHTML, PHP, CSS, Flash and many others. Lightening the source code and use of these technologies will help speed up loading pages and their dynamic processing. The new system will also significantly contribute to the improvement and simplification of administration. The website has undergone a fundamental variation in the structure achieving a substantial simplification, streamlining and maximum user friendliness. We tried everything set up so that we have helped in particular our current and potential future customers to better orientation on the website and get the necessary information efficiently. Another very important reason for upgrading a SEO optimization, thus improving the accessibility of our Web pages for search engines so that our new website was the friendliest in search engines and we were more visible. We firmly believe and hope that our new website will attract many customers who will be happy to return to our website and to our company.
Between May 23 and May 26 SQS takes part at Laser the World of Photonics international trade fair in Munich. The LASER World of PHOTONICS trade fair and their congresses are the most important marketplaces and think tanks for the worldwide laser and photonics industry and its users. They also combine research and applications, and promote the use and further development of optical technologies. The congress is held in conjunction with LASER World of PHOTONICS, the international trade fair for optical technologies including components, systems and applications, so there it fosters an intense exchange between the scientific and industrial sectors. Themes are selected and discussed based on their scientific relevance and industrial impact. At Laser 2011, SQS will present a complete range of products with an emphasis on the use of our components for non-telecommunication applications. We will also be exhibiting solutions and systems by our partner company Alio Industries - electronic positioning systems for precise positioning of up to six axes that are currently being widely used in laser applications. Among other things on our stand, there will be possible to see a sample of functional tripod connected to the control unit and demonstrating its skills, precision, quality, performance and mechanical strength in practice. If you are interested in laser technology and optical technologies generally, certainly visit the Laser 2011 trade fair - we will be pleased to welcome you on our booth 254 in hall B2 - see the attached invitation.
15. – 16. 5. 2011 se koná tradiční dvoudenní seminář Měření a údržba sdělovacích kabelů zaměřený na informace o sdělovacích kabelech, kabelových souborech pro sdělovací kabely, aplikacích, měřících metodách a zařízeních pro výstavbu, provoz a údržbu sdělovacích kabelů. Místo konání je však netradiční – českobudějovický hotel Gomel nahradí hotel Dvořák v Táboře. Tradičním každoročním účastníkem Cablexu, jak se seminář běžně nazývá, je také SQS Vláknová optika. Tradiční zůstává i naše silné zastoupení na této akci, a to jak za pultem pro přednášející a na místech pro posluchače v přednáškovém sále, tak v přísálí, kde se koná výstavka produktů zúčastněných firem. Za přednáškovým pultem vystoupí Tomáš Radoberský s přednáškou „Atermální vlnové odbočnice“. Jedná se o nový vývojový projekt SQS, jehož cílem je zvládnutí výroby vlnových multiplexorů/demultiplexorů na bázi planární technologie AWG. Hlavním úkolem řešení SQS je návrh pasivní teplotní kompenzace, aby výsledná součástka nevyžadovala žádný zdroj napájení elektrickou energií a byla schopna fungovat v širokém rozsahu teplot. Na souběžně konané výstavě budeme prezentovat náš tradiční sortiment včetně několika novinek. Chystáte-li se do Tábora, rádi se s Vámi setkáme.
29. 3. - 1. 4. se SQS zúčastní tradičního mezinárodního veletrhu Ampér, který z pražského výstaviště v Letňanech přesídlil na Výstaviště do Brna. Od přestěhování akce do Brna si organizátoři slibují zvýšení kvalitativní úrovně a dostupnosti veletrhu, a s tím také zvýšení zájmu vystavovatelů i návštěvníků. SQS zde bude prezentovat kompletní řadu vlastních produktů vláknové optiky pro telekomunikační i ne-telekomunikační aplikace včetně řešení vhodných pro využití v náročných průmyslových podmínkách. Rádi Vás na našem stánku č. 012 v hale G1 přivítáme – viz přiložená pozvánka.
The World's Leading Photonics, Laser, and Biomedical Optics Event Be part of the solution–present your work in green technologies and be recognized by your peers The global community recognizes the need for sustainable and renewable energy sources as well as the need to conserve resources and spur economic growth. The SPIE Green Photonics virtual symposium highlights the latest photonics and optoelectronic tools and materials that will reduce power consumption, enable cleaner manufacturing, and create new energy generation for a broad range of applications. To be considered for inclusion in the SPIE Green Photonics virtual symposium, when submitting your abstract, enter "GREEN PHOTONICS" as your first keyword in step 4 of the online submission wizard, and upload a 1- to 2-page summary (.doc, .rtf, .ps, and .prn file types accepted) in step 6. If your paper is selected by the Green Photonics selection committee, your work will be eligible to receive additional exposure at Photonics West, including the opportunity to win a SPIE Green Photonics Best Paper Award. Papers are solicited on the following and related topics: +Solid State Lighting and Displays Efficient new light sources will provide long-lived and economical illumination for human activities and information display. +Laser-assisted Manufacturing and Micro/Nano Fabrication Optoelectronic sensors and concentrated optical energy sources will enable precision fabrication with low waste. +Communications The next generation of optical networks will operate with increased bandwidth and reduced power consumption. +Renewable Energy Generation: Fusion and Photovoltaics Small carbon footprint technologies will help meet the world's increasing demand for energy in a sustainable manner. SPIE will compile all Green Photonics submissions from across OPTO, LASE, and MOEMS-MEMS conferences to form the 2012 SPIE Green Photonics virtual symposium. The Green Photonics program will showcase a broad representation of research across Photonics West that is working toward improvements in energy, sustainability, and conservation.
SQS is attending the Amper 2017 international trade fair held in Brno, Czech Republic between March 21 and 24. Traditionally in a joint exhibition with our sister company Quittner & Schimek, we will present our key products and current activities in areas of fiber optics, optoelectronic production and production of precision mechanical parts.
We would be pleased to welcome you at our booth no. F3.22
We expanded our portfolio of vacuum feedthroughs. Newly available hybrid fiber feedthroughs are equipped with adapter and pigtail interfaces and with many types of optical fibers which may be protected by PTFE tubing or flexible stainless steel braiding. Feedthroughs are easily attached within a flange via design useful for ultra-high vacuum applications.